Liang Wu

Liang Wu 

Liang Wu, Ph.D. [CV]
Machine Learning Data Scientist
Airbnb Data Science

Liang Wu is a machine learning data scientist at Airbnb. He focuses on building search and recommender systems of Airbnb Experiences. He obtained Ph.D. (2019) with Professor Huan Liu from Arizona State University, M.S. (2014) from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and B.S. (2011) from Beijing University of Posts and Telecom. His research interests include data mining, applied machine learning, information retrieval and recommender systems.


Email: liang.wu at  

inMail   Phone: 48o-738-841o


Media Coverage [show/hide]

Professional Activities

Program Committee: AAAI'20'19'18, SIGIR'19'18, KDD'19'18, WSDM'20'19, CIKM'19, PAKDD'18, BigData'19'18.

Journal Reviewer: CSUR, TKDE, TKDD, TOIS, TIST, SNAM, DMKD, WWW J, Intelligent Systems, IRJ, Information Retrieval Journal, TNNLS.


Third (3/164) on the Leaderboard, Honorable Mention Award of KDD Cup 2012

ASU Teaching Excellence Award Nomination, 2014

Outstanding PhD Student in CSE, ASU, 2019

Conference Papers


Book Chapters

Journal Papers

Posters and Workshop Papers

Students Mentored

I served as committee member for Venkatesh Magham's Master's Thesis. We worked on adversarial attack algorithms in social media.

TweetTracker 2.0

I led the efforts to revamp TweetTracker with Shobhit Sharma (front-end development), Ashutosh Bhadke (back-end development) and Kunal Bansal (system integration).

Geospatial Tweet Data Visualization

I led a capstone project to build an interactive explorer of tweets with Corey Mcneish and Christina Wilmot (data analysis), Raquel Lippincott and Spencer Graf (data visualization), Matthew Gross and Philip Terzic (data crawling).

Fake News Geolocation Visualization

I served as the second reader for Lilian Ngweta's Honor's Thesis. We bulit a fake news visualization system that illustrated how misinformation propagated in the U.S. geographically.

Professional Experience

Research Intern in Nokia Research Center, Microsoft Research Asia, and NEC Labs China.